Please contact the Marian College Front Office on 5352 3861 if you would like to speak to your child’s TA Teacher, or any of the following staff regarding a student wellbeing matter.
Head of Wellbeing: Ms Steph Saravanja
House Leaders
- Mrs Erica McConachy - Barron House
- Mrs Mary-Lou Boatman - Clancy House
- Mrs Donna Spalding - Kelly House
- Mr Nick Lloyd - Synnott House
Learning Enhancement Coordinato
- Mrs Rhonda North
School Improvement Coordinator
- Natalie Wirper
Should students or families require additional wellbeing support, please feel free to contact any of the following agencies:
- GCH (Grampians Community Health) - 5352 6200
- CAFS (Child and Family Services) - 5352 2910
- Ararat Mental Health Services - 1300 661 323
- Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
- CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) - 1800 806 292
- Headspace Ballarat (Mental Health) - 5304 4777
- Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636