Learning is best facilitated when feedback is immediate and direct, as such assessment and reporting at Marian College is an open and ongoing process. As students complete an assessment task their teachers upload the results and feedback to Simon so it is immediately accessible. Students can then come to class prepared with questions and areas for improvement generated from the feedback.

TA Teachers interview each student in their care 3 times per semester and comment on their progress and wellbeing on a TA Report. The students also comment on their progress and set goals for the coming term. TA Reports are released to parents as they are completed 3 times per semester and, in addition to the comments, contain the assessment task results.

End of Semester Reports are also completed and contain the Victorian Curriculum Standards for Years 7 – 10 students and the VCE, VET or VCAL Outcomes for Years 11 – 12 students. These reports also include an indication of the students’ work habits and selected key assessment tasks.

This information is readily available to parents and guardians through the Parent Access Module (PAM). All families enrolled at the College receive their own login details for PAM.