Fees at Marian College
Marian College is committed to providing an affordable fee structure, which is kept deliberately low to ensure that parents/guardians wishing to access a high quality education are able to do so within their local community.
Table of School Fees 2025
Child | Cost per annum |
1st Child | $2,236.00 |
2nd Child | $1,790.00 |
3rd Child | $1,565.00 |
4th Child | $1,118.00 |
These fees are inclusive of normal excursion and tuition costs. Parents/guardians wishing to enrol students, but who have concerns about being able to afford the fees, should contact the College Business Manager as we have a number of avenues available to assist with fees.
In 2025, we will be offering a $400 per student discount off our College fees where the parents have a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or are eligible for a Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC). To obtain the benefit Parents/guardians will need to lodge a Camps Sports and Excursion fund form. Where forms have been previously lodged for existing students, these do not need to be re-lodged unless there has been a change of circumstances.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund Application
Additional Costs
Marian College also charges the following costs :
- $135 Annual iPad charge. This is charged to Years 7- 9 students and covers the cost of the iPad provided to students in Year 7. Ownership transfers to parents/guardians at the end of Year 9. (This iPad charge is in transition as the charge used to be $100 per year for students in Years 7 to 10. Families with students in Years 9 - 10 will be charged $100 in 2025)
- The College operates a "Bring Your Own Computer" system for students in Years 11-12. The College does not specify the type or model of the computer, however it will need to be able to access the internet by wireless connection.
- Cost of electronic books and programs that are paid in bulk by the College. These electronic books/programs substitute for books that would have previously appeared on student booklists.
Withdrawal of Students
In the event of a student withdrawing from Marian College during the year, there may be an entitlement to a partial reduction in the applicable annual fees for the proportion of the school year remaining, less any fees/costs the College has paid that it cannot recover (such as VET/VCAL Fees). This reduction only applies where the withdrawal is prior to the commencement of Term 4.
Marian College requires formal, written notification by letter or email, from the parents/guardians of exiting students. Students will remain on the official roll until the student’s exit date is confirmed. Fees will continue to be charged for each student until they are formally withdrawn in writing from the College.
Marian College endeavors to minimize the cost of all resources, however, the cost will vary according to the subjects studied and year level. 2025 booklists will be available in Term 4. Text books and associated stationary are provided by an external party. Payment is made by the parents/guardians to the external party managing the process, who also organizes the distribution at the start of the school year. Students may use second hand texts where they are the same edition as the texts prescribed on the booklist. Parents/Guardians experiencing difficulty paying the upfront cost of the booklist should contact the College’s Business manager to discuss alternative payment arrangement.
Payment Options and Due Dates
School Fees may be paid using any of the following options:
- Cash/Cheque
- Credit Card
- Bpay
- Direct Debit
It is the expectation of the college that fees will be paid by the end of first term or a payment plan set up that result in regular payments (weekly/fortnightly/monthly) that meet the following milestones:
- 25% of annual fees are paid by the end of first term
- 50% of annual fees are paid by the end of second term
- 75% of annual fees are paid by the end of third term
- 100% of annual fees are paid by the end of the school year.
Late entry during School Year
If a student enters the College after the start of the school year, the annual fees will be charged based on the proportion of the weeks remaining in the school year as a proportion of the total weeks in the school year.
Overdue Accounts
Parents/Guardians are reminded that fees are payable in accordance with our Payment Options and Due Dates (refer above). Overdue accounts will be followed up and may ultimately be transferred to a collection agency unless an alternate payment arrangement has been agreed.
All queries regarding fees and charges should be directed to the College's Accounts Clerk on 5352 3861.