Fortiter et Suaviter - With Strength and Gentleness

Marian College Ararat was founded by the Brigidine Sisters in 1889. Today, as a Catholic secondary College providing excellent academic, cultural and sporting opportunities to 400 young men and women from Years 7 to 12, Marian College remains committed to high quality education for all students.

As a Kildare Ministries school in the Brigidine tradition, we strive to keep the Gospel values at the heart of our community, and actively promote high expectations, respectful relationships, perseverance, compassion, justice and service.

At Marian College we seek to provide an education that empowers students to become life-long learners. We encourage students to think creatively, to analyse critically, to respond intelligently; and with thought and compassion for others in our world.

Our mantra to ‘welcome all’ extends beyond simple hospitality: to accept all students, staff and families for their own unique gifts and talents; to recognise the sacred in all creation, and to nurture growth towards confidence, wellbeing, social responsibility, justice and creativity.

Our College motto ‘Fortiter et Suaviter’ - strength and gentleness, challenges each member of our community to envision a more hospitable, hope-filled and just world; and to speak and act with integrity. We are inspired to act with courage and stand up for those who have no voice.

We are proud of our students and give thanks for the many blessings we celebrate today as a College so indebted to our Brigidine founders and basis in faith.

I welcome you to our community and trust that your experience of the Marian College community will remain with you and your children long after they complete their secondary schooling.