Areas of Responsibility
Principal - Mrs. Catherine Howison
Assistant Principal - Wellbeing - Ms. Steph Saravanja
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching - Ms Michelle Hogan
Assistant Principal - Head of Staff Development - Ms. Alexandra Abela
Business Manager - Mrs. Leonie McGuckian
House Leaders
Barron House - Mrs Erica McConachy
Clancy House - Mrs Mary-Lou Boatman
Kelly House - Mrs Donna Spalding
Synnott House - Mr Nick Lloyd
HUB Leaders
Religion -
HUB Leader Culture, Language and English (CAL)
Mrs Stephanie Mansell
Learning Leader Culture, Language and English (CAL)
Mrs Christine Bulger
HUB Leader Physical Education , Art and Technology (PEAT)
Mr Paul McLoughlan
Learning Leader Physical Education, Art and Technology (PEAT)
Ms. Jakki Gibson
HUB Leader Science and Mathematics (STEM)
Ms. Susan Macpherson
Learning Leader Science and Mathematics (STEM)
Mr. Rodney Clarke
VM and VET - Mrs Dani Smith
Literacy - Ms. Natalie Wirper
Justice and Democracy - Ms. Tanya Waterson
Learning Support - Enhancement - Mrs Rhonda North
Sports - Mr. Matthew Walder
Transition - Mrs. Rhonda North
Drama - Mr. Bas Otto
All staff can be contacted on the College number 5352 3861.